Using the Israeli National Anthem, HaTikvah, we share some video highlights of our family’s visit to Israel in 2014. ©2014 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.
Category: Israel Blog
Jerusalem of Gold (Video)
Using the beautiful song, Jerusalem of Gold written by Naomi Shemer and sung by Jonathan Settel, we share some video highlights of our family’s time in Jerusalem 2014. ©2014 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.
A Double Portion Day – February 20
Some people kiss the ground when they arrive because they are home. That moment didn’t happen for me, but it is the one place I’ve ever been that I felt the most comfortable being who I am, believing what I believe, and doing what our family does. I covered my head and was not a freak nor did anyone try to discourage me or make me feel legalistic. In fact, most people thought I was Jewish and spoke Hebrew to me. I love wearing skirts and women in skirts were everywhere. It was also really nice to eat where kosher food is normal. We never had to worry about eating pork, shellfish or other things that are not really food.
Old Port of Joppa and Tel Aviv – February 19
Joppa is the oldest known port in the world. Throughout the centuries it has existed, but in recent history was built up and restored by a community of Jewish people.