Yeshua in His Father’s Feasts is a personal or group in-depth study that reveals the shadows and realities of the Messiah in the prophetic visions in the Feasts of the LORD. It will fill in the holes of your Bible when reading the words ‘Jewish feast’ or ‘the feast of the Jews.’ This study will illuminate often-overlooked phrases and idioms that allude to the ‘appointed times’ of God.
Category: Feast of Firstfruits
Happy Tu B’shvat!
From a spiritual perspective, Tu B’shvat could be likened to Yeshua’s Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13. The seed of the message of the Kingdom falls on different soils creating a different root system. Some seeds are stolen, some take no root and wither up and die, others become choked out. Those seeds that fall on rich soil, take root and grow. As each year passes, the seed transforms into a fruit-bearing plant, being
Timing of the Feast of Firstfruits
by William BenCarl Yom Ha-Bikkurim / The First Feast Of Firstfruits / Resurrection Day / Omer Raysheet A Messianic Outline/View Along with Passover, this is the most important Holy Day of YHVH celebration for Messianic/Hebraic Believers: The Festival day when Messiah Yeshua/(Jesus) rose from the dead. On this festival in the morning of the first…
Sign of Jonah: Three Days and Three Nights
Many people raise questions about the three days and three nights of Yeshua’s death, burial and resurrection. Let’s face it, Friday night to Sunday morning is not three days and three nights no matter how one interprets the rendering of days, hours, times, kingships or even religious tradition. Yet, Yeshua’s prophesied that he would be in the grave three days and three nights –– no less, no more.