The Hebrew word machol means ‘dance. Its root comes from chuwl and means ’round dance’ or ‘circle dance.’ This is not an individual dance, but a group that dances in a circle. Chuwl is the ‘father of Heman’ who was a worship singer in Solomon’s Temple (1 Chronicles 25:6, 1 Chronicles 6:18, 1 Chronicles 16:41). This suggests that there was dancing in the Temple along with musical instruments. Machol is found 6 times in Scripture.
Category: Worship with Dance
Praise, Thanksgiving – Hebrew: Todah
After the Jews returned to Jerusalem and rebuilt the Temple, choirs offered praises of thanksgiving. Todah is found 32 times in the Scriptures.
Praise, New Song – Hebrew: Tehillah
The most familiar tehillah is the 144,000 who stand on Mount Tziyon and ‘sing a new song’ or tehillah (Revelation 14:3).
Praise, Loud – Hebrew: Shabach
The most familiar shabach is at the battle of Jericho. A loud shout or shabach brought the walls of the city down so the Israelites could enter the Promised Land.