“I was given a measuring rod like a stick and told, “Get up, and measure the Temple of God and the altar, and count how many people are worshiping there! But the court outside the Temple, leave that out; don’t measure it; because it has been given to the Goyim, and they will trample over the holy city for forty-two months” (Revelation 11:1-2).
Yochanan is giving a measuring stick and told to measure the Millennial Temple and the Altar. Specific measurements for the Temple are revealed by the prophet Ezekiel. He measures the thickness of the walls, the gates, the gate entrances, the guard rooms, the courtyard, and the sanctuary, and the Most Holy Place (Ezekiel 42). He is also given the dimensions of the Altar:
“These are the measurements of the altar in cubits (a cubit here is defined as a normal cubit [eighteen inches] plus a handbreadth [three inches]): the base, one cubit [twenty-one inches] deep and one cubit wide; with the molding surrounding it at its rim about a hand-span [nine inches] in width. The height of the altar is thus: from the base on the ground to the lower ledge, three-and-a-half feet, with the width twenty-one inches; from the lower ledge to the upper ledge, seven feet, with the width again twenty-one inches. The hearth measures seven feet [high], with four horns on top of the hearth. The hearth is a square twenty-one feet on each of its four sides. The ledge measures a square twenty-four-and-a-half feet on each of its four sides; the molding around it ten-and-a-half inches [across]; and its base twenty-one inches [larger than the rest, all the way] around. Its steps face east” (Ezekiel 43:13-17).
Many believe, contrary to Biblical evidence, the sacrifices ended when Yeshua died on the cross. Many years after Yeshua’s resurrection, Sha’ul took a Nazarite vow that included a Temple offering (Acts 21:26). The sacrifices and offerings ended when the Temple was destroyed in 70 CE. When any Temple is rebuilt, the offerings and sacrifices will resume.
There will be people at the Altar worshiping Adonai in this manner. Ezekiel is also told to count the number of people worshiping in the area.
The courtyard outside the Millennial Temple will not be measured because the goyim will trample it for 42 months or 3 1/2 years. Goyim is translated into gentiles, however, the word can also mean pagans. The Hebrew word ‘trample’ is ramas and means ‘oppression.’
During the 42 months, the gentiles will oppress the outer court. According to Webster’s Dictionary, ‘oppress’ means ‘to spiritually burden, to crush by abuse of power or authority.’ During the second Temple period, the women of Isra’el gathered in the outer court. Whether or not the outer court will be the gathering place for the nations or women of Isra’el, it will be an oppressive place and pagans will destroy it (Ezekiel 44:9).
“Also I will give power to my two witnesses; and they will prophesy for 1,260 days, dressed in sackcloth.” These are the two olive trees and the two menorahs standing before the Lord of the earth. If anyone tries to do them harm, fire comes out of their mouth and consumes their enemies — yes, if anyone tries to harm them, that is how he must die. They have the authority to shut up the sky, so that no rain falls during the period of their prophesying; also they have the authority to turn the waters into blood and to strike the earth with every kind of plague as often as they want” (Revelation 11:3-6).
There are several thoughts on the identity of the two witnesses. Some believe the two witnesses cannot be individual people because it seems impossible that they could affect the entire world with their life and death. With technology, a global government, religion, and economic system could focus on two individuals who challenge their authority. They suggest a corporate witness of Jew and Gentile, the ‘one new man,’ but the two witnesses wear sackcloth. The modern-day ‘seal’ for the State of Isra’el is a Menorah with an olive tree on each side which could represent the Jews, but according to the ‘signs in the heavens,’ Isra’el will be in the desert during the days of the witnesses.
The two witnesses are identified by the prophet Zechariah as ‘two olive trees’ and ‘two menorahs’ that stand before Adonai (Zechariah 4:14). Zechariah asks about the two olive trees on the right and left of the menorah that poured gold-colored oil through two gold spouts. An angel explains that these are two witnesses, highly anointed individuals, who have a direct spiritual connection to the ‘Lord of all the land.’ Their power comes from Adonai and fire comes from their mouths consuming their enemies. they have the power to stop rain; they can turn water into blood; they can strike the world with plagues.
Elijah had the power to stop rain from falling on Isra’el alluding to one of the witnesses being Elijah. Elijah never died but was taken to heaven in a fiery chariot (Hebrews 9:27).
Moshe had the power to turn water into blood and to bring forth plagues upon Egypt. Though Moshe died and was buried in Moab, his grave has never been revealed by Elohim.
Moshe and Elijah were with Yeshua on the Mount of Transfiguration. At that time, the disciples believed that Yeshua was restoring the Kingdom and asked if they could put up sukkot for each of them (Matthew 17:1-9). The fact that these two men appeared with Yeshua may suggest that they are the two witnesses who prophesy for 1,260 days.
Enoch like Elijah didn’t die. He was so righteous that he walked with Elohim until He took Him into the heavens (Genesis 5:24). Enoch lived before the flood and would have a testimony of a pre-flood earth while Elijah prophesied in a post-flood earth and Israel.
Translating the Hebrew from Zechariah 4:14, the words read, “these are two sons of fresh oil.” ‘Fresh oil’ was used to anoint high priests and kings. The high priest referred to in Zechariah is Yoshua and the the prince is Zerubbabel.
Yoshua was the first high priest after the Jewish exiles returned from Persia. He descended from the priestly lineage of Levi and Aaron. In Zechariah chapter 3, he stands before the angel of Elohim (Yeshua), and the Accuser. Yoshua represents the filthiness of Isra’el’s guilt. Yeshua removes Yoshua’s dung-soiled clothes and replaces them with a clean turban and rich garments. A stone is placed before him representing ‘the Branch’ that has ‘seven eyes’ or the seven-branched menorah. In Hebrew, the word ‘branch’ is netzer. From netzer comes Nazareth and Nazarene.
“This message from Adonai came to me: ‘The hands of Z’rubavel have laid the foundation of this house, and his hands will also finish it’ (Zechariah 4:8-9).
Zerrubabel returned from Persia with Yoshua. His grandfather, Shealtiel, was the last king of Judah before the Jews were exiled. Zerubbabel became the first king of the re-established city of Jerusalem and the province of Judea. As a descendant of Judah, he was of royal lineage like King David. The name Zerubbabel means ‘pressed out like an olive of Babel.’ Haggai prophesies about ‘the Day’ when Zerubbabel will be Adonai’s ‘signet ring’ and his authority will be ‘not by might, nor by power, but by the Spirit of Adonai (Haggai 2:23).
These two witnesses representing the High Priest and King of Judah always occur together in Scripture. If they are the two witnesses during the first 3 1/2 years of Tribulation, they will be stand prophesying about the filthiness and guilt of Isra’el as they worship in a false Temple, with a false messiah, and a false prophet who performs ‘miracles.’
“When they finish their witnessing, the beast coming up out of the Abyss will fight against them, overcome them and kill them; and their dead bodies will lie in the main street of the great city whose name, to reflect its spiritual condition, is “S’dom” and “Egypt” — the city where their Lord was executed on a stake. Some from the nations, tribes, languages and peoples see their bodies for three-and-a-half days and do not permit the corpses to be placed in a tomb. The people living in the Land rejoice over them, they celebrate and send each other gifts, because these two prophets tormented them so” (Revelation 11:7-10).
When the two witnesses finish their ordained time of judgment, the ‘beast’ comes up out of the Abyss and fights against them. He is given power to overcome them and kill them. Their dead bodies will lie on the main street of Jerusalem. Because of the spiritual condition of Jerusalem, it is referred to as Sodom and Egypt.
Sodom was known for its blatant sin of sexual immorality –– homosexuality –– in the days of Abraham and Lot. The prophet Ezekiel expounded on the crimes of Sodom: pride, gluttony, and arrogance. She and her ‘daughters’ were careless and complacent; they did nothing to help the poor and needy (Ezekiel 16:49). This will be the spiritual condition of Jerusalem: rampant homosexuality, pride, excess in eating and drinking, and an offensive display of superiority.
Egypt held Isra’el enslaved for hundreds of years. Through the mighty Hand of Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh, He sent judgment plagues against false gods to humble Egypt. Only after the ‘death of the firstborn’ were the Hebrews set free to become His treasured possession.
The bodies of the two witnesses lay in the street for 3 1/2 days, and no one allows their bodies to be buried. The nations, tribes, and tongues will see the dead bodies via some technology that may or may not exist now.
There are two places to ‘dwell’ in Scripture. One can ‘dwell’ in the Kingdom of Elohim or one can ‘dwell’ on earth. A ‘Kingdom-dweller’ focuses on the spiritual things of Elohim, walking in the Spirit and Truth. ‘Kingdom-dwellers’ are in the world, but not of the world. ‘Earth-dwellers’ are carnal people who focus on their fleshly desires – lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and pride of life – and what is happening in their earth world. They are not just in the world; they are of the world (1 John 2:15-16).
The earth-dwellers rejoice over the death of these two witnesses. They will be so happy and relieved that they will exchange gifts. As ‘earth dwellers,’ I have often ‘wondered’ that perhaps this gift-giving celebration will happen around Saturnalia. As Isra’el continues to accept ‘freedom of religion’ in the Land, multiple religions with their idolatrous practices have the liberty to worship whatever gods they choose.
From the reaction of Isra’el and the world, these two witnesses did not preach a message of political correctness or social justice. The ‘earth-dwellers’ wanted these prophets dead. They didn’t just annoy, they tormented people: spiritually and emotionally. The Greek word for ‘torment’ means ‘torture’ or ‘vex with grievous pains.’ After 3 1/2 years of their endless vexing, the two witnesses are killed by the ‘beast’ that comes up from the Abyss, and the people celebrate.
“But after the three-and-a-half days a breath of life from God entered them, they stood up on their feet, and great fear fell on those who saw them. Then the two heard a loud voice from heaven saying to them, “Come up here!” And they went up into heaven in a cloud, while their enemies watched them. In that hour there was a great earthquake, and a tenth of the city collapsed. Seven thousand people were killed in the earthquake, and the rest were awestruck and gave glory to the God of heaven.”
The celebration parties go on for 3 1/2 days, but after 3 1/2 days, the two witnesses stand up on their feet. They are resurrected from the dead. This astounding event elicits great fear to those who watch the breath of Adonai bring these two men back to life. Then, a loud voice from heaven calls to them and they rise up to the heavens in a cloud –– in the sight of all of their enemies.
When Yeshua ascended into heaven, he was enveloped in a cloud (Acts 1:9). Forty days earlier at Yeshua’s death, many holy people were resurrected and wandered around Jerusalem (Matthew 27:53). These faithful men and women, the firstfruits, who attained the goal of the resurrection of the dead became the great ‘cloud’ of witnesses (Hebrews 12:1). This great cloud of faithful redeemed envelops these two men carrying them into glory.
“The second woe has passed; see, the third woe is coming quickly” (Revelation 11:14).
The second woe has passed. The Hebrew word for ‘woe’ is oy and means ‘an impassioned expression of grief and despair.’ For the earth-dwellers, a third ‘expression of grief and despair’ will come quickly.
“The seventh angel sounded his shofar; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and his Messiah, and he will rule forever and ever! (Revelation 11:15).
The seventh messenger sounds his shofar and loud voices proclaim that the kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of Yeshua –– the Messianic Era has arrived. The Tribulation is either the last seven years of this world kingdom or the beginning seven years of Yeshua’s reign. If the later, he must come to cleanup the world before taking his throne in Jerusalem. The Kingdom of Messiah arrives before the third ‘woe.’
“The twenty-four elders sitting on their thrones in God’s presence fell on their faces and worshiped God, saying, “We thank you, Adonai, God of heaven’s armies, the One who is and was, that you have taken your power and have begun to rule. The Goyim raged. But now your rage has come, the time for the dead to be judged, the time for rewarding your servants the prophets and your holy people, those who stand in awe of your name, both small and great. It is also the time for destroying those who destroy the earth” (Revelation 11:16-18).
The twenty-four elders, the leaders of the priestly orders, sit on their thrones in the heavenly Sanctuary. They fall on their faces and worship the One who is and was. They thank Adonai, the Elohim of heaven’s armies for taking His power back so He could begin to rule and reign again on earth.
The nations raged.
“Why are the nations in an uproar, the peoples grumbling in vain? The earth’s kings are taking positions, leaders conspiring together, against Adonai and his anointed. They cry, “Let’s break their fetters! Let’s throw off their chains!”
Yeshua rages.
“He who sits in heaven laughs; Adonai looks at them in derision. Then in his anger he rebukes them, terrifies them in his fury. I myself have installed my king on Tziyon, my holy mountain” (Psalm 2:1-6).
The time has come to destroy those who destroy the earth. The time has come for Yeshua to judge the dead and reward the prophets and his holy people who stand in awe of his name –– both small and great people. The Greek word for ‘awe’ is phobeo and means ‘to terrify’ and ‘to frighten.’ In Hebrew the word means ‘to love and fear.’ The name of Adonai when revealed in its fullness will be loved and feared by those who serve Him.
King Solomon asks: “Do you know His name and the name of His son?” (Proverb 30:4).
For many millennia, the spoken name of yod-hey-vav-hey has remained a mystery. The Levitical priesthood decided that the name of ‘I Am’ should only be spoken on Yom Kippur and then only by the High Priest. After the destruction of two Temples in Jerusalem, the pronunciation of the name of Elohim has been lost, created, perverted, and changed. Yet, yod-hey-vav-hey is His Memorial Name forever.
Hebrew Word Pictures
Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh – יהוה
י Yod – A Closed Hand means ‘finished work.’
ה Hey – A Window means ‘reveal’ or ‘behold.’
ו Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
ה Hey – A Window means ‘reveal’ or ‘behold.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for yod-hey-vav-hey/yahweh: finished work revealed in the binding nails, behold.
The name of Adonai’s Son has also been changed from the Hebrew name given to Miriam and Yosef to an Anglicized form of Latin that is spoken in English. The ‘name above all names’ has lost its Jewish identity, culture, and language. Standing in ‘awe of His name’ means to know His name.
Yeshua – ישוע
י Yod – A Closed Hand means ‘finished work.’
ש Shin – A Tooth means ‘consume’ or ‘destroy.’
ו Vav – A Nail means ‘binding.’
ע Ayin – An Eye means ‘see’ or ‘understand.’
The Hebrew Word Picture for yeshua: finished work destroys the binding, see and understand.
“Then the Temple of God in heaven was opened, and the Ark of the Covenant was seen in his Temple; and there were flashes of lightning, voices, peals of thunder, an earthquake and violent hail” (Revelation 11:19).
When Moshe was given the design for the Menorah, he was told to make it from what he saw on the mountain because everything in the earthly Tabernacle was a shadow of the Heavenly Sanctuary. The Ark of the Covenant, the Throne of Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh is seen. Flashes of lightning, voices, thunder, violent hail and an earthquake accompanies the revealing of the Ark of Adonai’s Throne.
When Adonai wanted to meet with the Israelites, He descended on the mountain with thunder, lightning, smoke, and the blast of the shofar. The people standing at the bottom of the mountain only received a glimpse at the heavenly Throne and it caused them to tremble (Exodus 19:16, 20:15). Lightning is released with the thundering of ‘I Am’s’ majestic voices that sounds like a roar –– the roar of the Lion of Y’hudah (Job 37:4).
“The lion has roared. Who will not fear? Adonai, God, has spoken. Who will not prophesy?” (Amos 3:8).
Chapter 12 – The Birth and The Dragon
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