The messenger of Yeshua states that those who ‘obey’ the words in this prophetic book will be ‘blessed.’ In Hebrew, the word for ‘obey’ is shamar or ‘guard’ and means to ‘watch, keep, and preserve.’ Those who guard, keep, and preserve the words in Revelation will be blessed. Whoever doesn’t guard, obey, and protect this prophecy –– by adding to or removing from –– will lose their share in the Etz Chayil and their home in the New Jerusalem.
Category: Revelation
These are the Revelation chapter studies.
Revelation Chapter 21 – The Restoration and Renewal
When born again into the Kingdom of God, each of us became ‘new creations’ in Messiah (2 Corinthians 5:17). We remained in a mortal state, a flesh body that had to die because of sin. At the first resurrection, everyone who put their faith in Yeshua received their promised immortal bodies. As ‘new creations,’ Jews and gentiles receive their inheritance in the ‘new heaven and new earth’ (Galatians 6:15). They become ‘one new man’ in its fullness. Just as the former heaven and earth required mortal beings; the new heavens and earth require ‘new creations’ in Messiah.
Revelation Chapter 20 – The First Resurrection
What if the ‘mark of the beast’ is the rejection of the holy Sabbath as one denomination claims (Ezekiel 20:2)? What if taking the ‘mark of the beast’ requires eating ‘unclean’ animals (Isaiah 66:15-18)? What if taking the ‘mark of the beast’ means death for keeping Adonai’s ‘appointed times’ (Daniel 7:25). How does someone suddenly start obeying Torah when faced with death? Being a holy one, a saint, is defined as one who has a testimony of Yeshua and keeps the commandments of Adonai. Obeying Torah because of faith in Yeshua strengthens the holy ones, the saints, to stand when faced with persecution and death.
Revelation Chapter 19 – A Wedding and a War
The rider on this white horse is the same rider from Revelation chapter 6 that went out to conquest the nations (Zechariah 14:3). When the Conqueror left, he wore one crown; when he returns, he has many crowns. The rider on the white horse is the Lion of Y’hudah, the Warrior King returning wearing the royal crowns from conquering the nations’ kings. His eyes burn like fiery flames; he wears a robe soaked in blood. The blood is not Yeshua’s blood; it is the blood of the enemies of Adonai.