Yochanan is giving a measuring stick and told to measure the Millennial Temple and the Altar. Specific measurements for the Temple are revealed by the prophet Ezekiel. He measures the thickness of the walls, the gates, the gate entrances, the guard rooms, the courtyard, and the sanctuary, and the Most Holy Place (Ezekiel 42). He is also given the dimensions of the Altar:
Tag: Lion of Judah
Revelation Chapter 6 – The Seals
The name of the rider on this green and white spotted horse is Death, and Sh’ol (the place of the dead) follows him. According to the prophet Isaiah, there will be nations who mock the people of Jerusalem and the Jewish people. They make a “covenant with Death and a contract with Sh’ol” believing their agreements will protect them from the judgment to coming against Isra’el. They embrace lies and create falsehoods about the end times, the Jewish people, and the holy city, but they will be utterly destroyed by their own deception and live in sheer terror (Isaiah 28:14-19).
Revelation Chapter 5 – The Scroll
The megillah has seven seals. The Hebrew word ‘seal’ is chatham and means ‘signer’s imprint.’ The ‘signer’s imprint’ came from an individual’s signet ring giving the signer full authority and power to send the message or ‘seal the decree.’ The only one authorized who could break the seal had to be the receiver for the intended message.
Revelation Chapter 4 – Heavenly Throne
Yochanan (John) hears a voice that sounds like a trumpet and he is “instantly in the Spirit.” This is an allusion to the ‘blink of an eye’ at the last shofar blast, when the transformation from flesh bodies to spirit bodies takes place in a ‘moment’ at the first resurrection. The Hebrew word for ‘moment’ is rega and means ‘just a moment, wait.’ The prophet Isaiah reveals more about the ‘blink of an eye.’