Fearing human beings is a snare; but he who trusts in Adonai will be raised high [above danger]” (Proverbs 29:25).
Working as a camp host in the summer in Alaska, I meet people from all walks of life from all over the world. In this year of 2021, discussions arise about the shot, the jab, the experiment, the ‘vaccine.’ Many people have taken the jab, others reject being a guinea pig and part of a human experiment messing with the mRNA of the immune system. Sadly, it is also interesting the number of people who reject the whole idea of the shot, but took it because of this, that or the other reason. In other words, though they believe one thing, they don’t act accordingly.
New York City now requires vaccine passports to do anything public, the first of its kind in the United States, truly the beginning of a great demise of our country and the value of human life. The one unelected official directing the path of humanity in the United States now says that loss of liberty is worth the health of many even though statistics don’t support his version of the ‘truth.’ Citizens in nations like France, Germany, and Italy are protesting en masse, burning their vaccine passports because they know firsthand the direction such ‘violation of liberties’ –– totalitarian government control leading to the mass murder of everyone who doesn’t fit into the coming world order.
This virus came from Wuhan. Period. It was created by man. Period. So, why do people look to man to solve a man-made biological warfare issue? Do they really believe that those who are part of the great web of who created this virus really want to fix the problem? Those who believe these people have good intentions really don’t understand the sinful heart of power-hungry and money-hungry men!
The agnostic ignorant believe that more people have been killed by religious wars than atheist leaders like Napoleon of France (6 million dead), Kim Jon of North Korea (4 million Koreans), Mussolini of Italy (1 million dead from poisoned gas, concentration camps), Mao Zedong of China (murdered 50-67 million), Pol Pot of Cambodia (murdered 2 million), Joseph Stalin of Russia (murdered 60 million), Hitler of Germany (12 million). In the past 200 years alone, atheist leaders have murdered 151 million people, more than all religious wars combined. And now in the United States we have a godless, atheist administration forcing experimental serum on its people through bribery (money) and loss of liberties such as buying, selling, and entertainment.
This is why we must choose whom we shall fear. Though it seems ‘right’ to fear those who will kill from a godless, atheistic, heart, it is only the God of Israel who can intervene and bring salvation from this perceived ‘curse of death.’ I am not afraid of the Communist China Virus. If I die from it, I die. But, I won’t ever ask humanity to stop living because I got sick and died.
Even though I can see where the world is heading with vaccine passports and the separation of the goats from the sheep, I don’t fear the leaders of this world. They are part of a plan of destruction; not of restoration. They are part of a plan to take over the world even though I know who will one day sit as King in Jerusalem. I fear Adonai Elohim. I believe He is the only One who can redeem us from the pit that we have allowed ourselves to be dumped into. I believe He is the only One who can save us from the dark tunnel we are heading down. I believe He is the only One who can judge those who kill the body and mame the weak.
“My friends, I tell you: don’t fear those who kill the body but then have nothing more they can do. I will show you whom to fear: fear him who after killing you has authority to throw you into Gei-Hinnom! Yes, I tell you, this is the one to fear!”
Am I human? Do I worry about buying and selling? Do I grieve over the prospect of never seeing family again? Yes. Yes. And yes. This is the very reason why I raised my children with faith, faith that would allow them to enter the eternal Kingdom, a Kingdom for which they are a light in this world. By entering into that Kingdom through faith they have hope not fear. Yeshua was very clear when he told us who to fear and who not to fear.
Whom do you fear? God or Man? One offers a scam to change your DNA and immune system created by Elohim; the other offers an eternal way of life free from sickness, disease, and totalitarian rule. You choose. It’s still a choice each of us have that no man can take away until the day:
“That in honor of the name given Yeshua, every knee will bow — in heaven, on earth and under the earth — and every tongue will acknowledge that Yeshua the Messiah is Adonai — to the glory of God the Father” (Philippians 2:10-11).
©2021 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.