This chapter once again focuses on Daniel and King Nebuchadnezzar. The king’s letter is being written after the events that brought him to understand the power of the God of Israel and his need to acknowledge a power greater than himself. Because he is writing after his beastly experience, at least seven years have passed from the events of the fiery furnace, if not longer.
- Why does this chapter begin with Nebuchadnezzar acknowledging the Most High God, the El Elyon?
2. Why does Nebuchadnezzar call on Daniel to interpret his dream?
3. Describe the king’s vision.
4. Compare the dreams of Joseph, the dreams of Pharoah, and the dreams of Nebuchadnezzar.
A Little Manna: Different versions of the Bible have differing words for verse 13. The Hebrew says “a watcher and a holy one descend.” There are three references to ‘watchers’ in the book of Daniel; ‘watchers’ that are forever awake and don’t sleep. The ‘Watchers’ in Daniel are good ‘watchers’ as opposed to the rebellious ‘Watchers’ who descended from heaven in the days of Noah and had children with the daughters of men. Scholars believe these ‘watchers, holy ones’ that Nebuchadnezzar sees shows the influence of Babylonian gods recognizing the God of Israel as the Most High. Psalm 82:1 gives insight into the heavenly realm and the ‘Watchers.’ The Book of Enoch gives greater details about the ‘Watchers,’ especially the rebellious ones.
4. What changes between verse 15 and 16?
5. What was the purpose of the decree and decision by the angelic Watchers?
6. Describe the symbolism of the dream:
The tree:
The beast:
The stump with its roots:
The seven periods of time:
7. What is Daniel’s advice?
8. Does the king heed Daniel’s advice?
9. What is the fulfillment of the vision?
10. Who do you think is the ‘voice from heaven’?
11. Describe the king’s life for seven years.
Think About This: In Revelation, a ‘Beast’ is mentioned 34 times. Do you think the beastly nature of Nebuchadnezzar relates to the ‘Beast’ in Revelation? If there is a correlation between the two, what does this dream prophesy about the future since the book of Daniel is about prophecy.
12. Do you believe these events happened literally or figuratively? Explain your reasoning.
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