“Dear friends, don’t trust every spirit. On the contrary, test the spirits to see whether they are from God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world. Here is how you recognize the Spirit of God: every spirit which acknowledges that Yeshua the Messiah came as a human being is from God, and every spirit which does not acknowledge Yeshua is not from God — in fact, this is the spirit of the Anti-Messiah. You have heard that he is coming. Well, he’s here now, in the world already!” (1 John 4:1-3).
I am living in an RV park in Las Vegas with a lot of retirees. As I lay in bed this a.m. some people were walking by and talking very loudly about how they no longer believe what is being told them about the virus because the numbers don’t add up. I couldn’t believe my ears. We’re not the only ones who discuss this?
I graduated from high school in 1976. Our class was known as the Bi-Centennial Senior Class – 200 years of America. But over the past 44 years, I’ve watched a country that I have loved, felt safe in and wanted my children to have that ‘American Dream,’ decay into a place I no longer recognize. I doubt my children will see their dreams to the fullest as they will either be taking care of the world through incredible taxation or being taken care of by a global financial entity promising them utopia. Will my grandchildren grow up wearing masks thinking this is how it always was because of Los Angeles and now, Colorado? As we begin to look like China, will we become China?
My son, a health care provider, told me TB has the same symptoms and is as contagious as this ‘novel’ coronovirus. Fifteen hundred (1500) people die everyday from TB and the country never locks down to destroy its growing strong economy.
I’m tired of knowing that a government that I once trusted, I no longer do. I just don’t. You can if you want. You can watch your retirement investments go down, down, down. You can take your bailout money and watch inflation go high, high, high. Where are they getting $2 trillion? The amount adds $60,000 per person in taxes?
You can watch politicians like the King and Queen of Evil continue to babble mindlessly on the left; you can continue to support those on the right who were elected and are trying to do the best they can in this moment. You can believe there’s a virus that at some point is going to kill millions or will go away and life will continue on. I just don’t believe the rhetoric from either side any more. I’m sorry there are people dying, but people die everyday from so many different things that the focus of this virus reveals a deeper sickness.
There is no test for this virus so who knows what numbers are accurate? And, if there is a test, how was it made so fast? From what I understand, they are only testing for pneumonia. Pneumonia. A good friend in the medical field told me there is evidence that whatever tests they are doing in the UK were giving the virus to the people. Fresh, clean infected tests! Now, the Chinese want to send us masks because they can make them so fast.
There are other factors like putting Pentagon commanders in NORAD at Cheyenne Mountain, in Colorado Springs for a virus? That bunker was made for nuclear war! Watching Chinese videos showing that you need to QCode yourself safe in order to enter a business or restaurant? A nice tracking system in place, don’t ya think? How did that happen so fast? How did every business, restaurant and museum in China get a QCode so quickly? I’ve read articles from other countries that know China created a warfare virus, but that truth is covered up. Wuhan, China is the ‘ground zero’ for biowarfare for the world. Look it up. The facts are there.
I saw a meme the other day that mocked anti-vaxers with something like, ‘Now you know!’ Now we know what? The global community needs to be injected with some patented viral antidote for a patented virus in order to stay healthy or in order to always be sick? My understanding is that those with immune system weaknesses or other health issues are at risk. Don’t you think that all of the pharmaceuticals that people take on a daily basis affect their immune system and put their health more at risk? Drugs to control bodily functions is not health. Don’t be deceived.
I am healthy. No symptoms, no signs and I went through the Seattle Airport to get here. After talking to several health care professionals, it is highly probable that my daughter had the virus in January and passed it to all of us – dry cough, sore throat, high fever, exhaustion. I may already have the antibodies; I don’t need a test or a vaccine. I don’t need to prove to anyone that I am healthy or sick. It’s my body! Isn’t it? Or is that just a catch phrase for when one wants to murder a child?
For the record, I would rather die than be injected with whatever will be in any vaccine. I don’t eat ‘unclean’ meats like pork or bat or monkey or bears or whatever is sold in wet markets in China. I don’t want to be injected with their DNA/RNA in order to have ‘immunity.’ Research Bill Gates, the vaccine guru, and what he is wanting to do with vaccines. He’s only focused on Africa because they are tribal nations and harder to get into his collective global community.
There is a theory touted ‘conspiracy’ being circulated about QAnon, the deep state, and the cabal. It’s an interesting theory about bad vs. evil because it touts that the ‘swamp’ is truly going to be drained from ‘evil’ men by ‘bad’ men. The whole concept while sounding like a wonderful way to rid the world of evil is a humanistic approach to cutting down the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil vs. actually eating from the Tree of Life. The false utopia will be brought in by men, not by God, not by Yeshua. There are aspects of the QAnon theory that would be nice with regard to destroying corrupt people in high places. For me, only if I see the King and Queen of political corruption brought down could I even begin to believe the far-reaching somewhat over-the-top claims of this theory.
5G. Research it yourself. Worse than the band width is the surveillance that it involves – and components were developed in China. Belgium refused it because it wanted nothing from China. Maybe we should have learned from them or India! Or even Taiwan who didn’t listen to anything China had to say about the virus and they’re just fine. Let’s stop dealing with China. My uncle said in the 1960s after being a Marine during the Korean War that the US would become Communist without ever firing a bullet. It would implode from the inside out. It seems he was prophetic.
I don’t watch Glen Beck, but he’s spot on with this video. Grunt and roll your eyes all you who are more political than American, more Democracy oriented than Constitutional Republic, but he’s not lying. He is telling the truth. I remember reading in a newspaper in Rio de Janeiro ten years ago about losing our fourth amendment rights for privacy. A foreign newspaper reported how the Patriot Act took away an American right. I never heard it from anyone else except for men like Glen Beck who are judged as conspiracy theorists or fear mongers. Remember it’s only conspiracy if it’s not true. Remember it’s fear that is being played on the American people right now from the media and government and not from radio talk show hosts.
Even now the right to free speech is infringed upon by those who don’t agree with what is being spoken or written. That’s why Facebook and the like remove posts and put people into ‘jail.’ The second amendment is being chipped away because of the fear mongering of those who don’t want to own firearms. Well, don’t own firearms, but don’t take away the right of an American to own firearms. Ironically, we watched the movie “Contagion” the other evening and leftist Matt Damon steals a weapon from his neighbor’s house to protect his own. Way to go, Matt! Steal!
The right to freedom of religion is being tested with the social distancing and gatherings of no more than ten people. Some say they are doing it to protect people; others see it as an infringement on their right to gather. Anti-religion people think it’s the best thing since pulled pork. Those of faith discuss the differences happening between Islam and Christianity and what is allowed for one isn’t allowed for the other. There are those who say people of faith must abide by the laws of the land until they must break God’s laws, but then wasn’t the law of the land originally based on Constitutional Rights?
The right to a speedy trial is now being discussed so that anyone can be taken hostage and held for as long as ‘the powers that be’ deem necessary and you won’t have access to a lawyer or trial. We will lost due process with the possibility of being ‘put in captivity’ for a very long time even if we’re innocent. Don’t we all have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Remember when the scanners were opened in airports and there was such a backlash? Now everyone does it because they just do. Except me. I still don’t go through them, haven’t even one time. Why? Because I want to exercise my liberties as long as possible.
Ben Franklin once said, “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.” He was right then and he’s right now. Which do you prefer as an American? Safety or Liberty? Even Patrick Henry understood the difference, “Give me liberty or give me death.”
Today we have some leaders who tell us ‘everything will go back to normal.’ It won’t. It won’t because no one will actually stand up to the government and say ‘enough.’ First it was 14 days, now it’s 30 days, soon it will be months (and ended up nearly 3 years). When is enough, enough? As each of our liberties is chipped away, people become more thankful with the belief they are more safe than before. It’s a smoke screen for being controlled like communism. With the release of stimulus checks and the possibility of government bailouts of small businesses, we skipped socialism all together!
There are false prophets. Yeshua warned about false prophets and not to follow them or believe their prophecies. Before the destruction of Jerusalem, the false prophets said ‘everything would be all right.’ God said through His prophets that Jerusalem would be destroyed and the people taken into captivity. Which happened?
I do study Biblical prophecy and whether or not we are living in some of the Revelation seals, trumpets or bowls, I won’t say and be labeled a ‘false prophet.’ I do, however, see the framework for much that John saw in Revelation coming to pass, especially a global system without borders and the ‘mark of the beast.’ No one actually knows what it will be until is is required to buy and sell. But if it comes to having a QCode or you are required to have a vaccine that is branded on your arm, what will your choice be?
“First, understand this: during the Last Days, scoffers will come, following their own desires and asking, “Where is this promised ‘coming’ of his? For our fathers have died, and everything goes on just as it has since the beginning of creation” (2 Peter 3:3-4).
Everything is not going to go on as it has since the beginning. There will come a time of distress such that has never come upon the world. All three major world religions know and teach this – Judaism, Islam and Christianity. For those who would say this kind of ‘stuff has happened forever’ never consider that Israel is the center of God’s plan, not the United States of America or even China. Before our generation, there was no Israel. There was no timepiece for any fulfillment of prophecies that we are witnessing today because they all revolve around Israel. Why do you think that tiny little nation receives such negative reactions from the world? We do live in prophetic times.
Scoffers will scoff. They will mock those who choose a different path – swimming upstream like a salmon. Scoffers will go with the flow and do whatever they are told to do because to them everything else is a conspiracy. They will take whatever mark is given to them because they have put their faith in the wrong god – the government, the system of the ‘beast’ that is now ‘stirring up the sea.’
I am not a scoffer. I believe what the Bible says about everything from the origin of life to death resulting from sin to repentance from sin for forgiveness to even to the judgment of the righteous and the wicked. I believe in a coming Jewish King named Yeshua and his earthly reign for that Kingdom for one thousand years from Jerusalem. You want to live 1000 years? Well, don’t put your faith in adrenochrome; put it in Yeshua.
I also believe in a spiritual realm that is unseen. I walk by faith in that realm with glimpses into that realm when my spiritual eyes are opened. Though I can view what is happening in this present world with a virus and how it will change not only this country, but the world, I know the Creator. I know He has a plan and He is in control. I know the changes that are happening, however painful, will bring in the Messianic Era that leads to Eternity. Yeshua called these pains birthpangs and, having gone through childbirth naturally four times, they will only get stronger and closer together. The final event, coming out of the womb through the birth canal, is the hardest work with the greatest reward.
Still, what does that mean for me now? What am I to be doing? Apart from being informed, I am to ‘occupy’ until Messiah comes. If I am to die by the sword, I will die. If I am to be taken captive, I will be taken captive. In all scenarios, my faith and what I know is coming doesn’t change. I will witness with my death; I will witness in captivity; I will ‘occupy’ until Yeshua shows up with blood on his hands from the enemies of his people.
“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who change darkness into light and light into darkness, who change bitter into sweet and sweet into bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).
To really know what is going to happen next, no one can be positive until it comes to pass. That is why we need to be prepared – not just physically with toilet paper and flour, but spiritually in our hearts and minds. The message of the gospel is not just about the love of God and the death of Yeshua, it’s about nations repenting and turning away from ungodliness and evil. That will be difficult in today’s global climate of abominations of life and lifestyle being accepted as normal and even good. It is not easy, nor will it be easy for those who stand for righteousness to even be counted as worthy in this world any longer. Like the man from ‘My Pillow,’ those who are worthy of the Kingdom of God will be mocked and judged rather than heeded. Many righteous will perish. MANY.
I am living in an RV park in Las Vegas with a lot of retirees. Apparently we’re not the only ones who discuss the discrepancies between what is seen and what we’re being told. I hope those who read this become informed people and stop being sheeple believing everything they hear, but I also pray that those who read this have prepared themselves spiritually for what lies ahead. If not, it’s time to open your Bible and know the Truth so you can be set free.
Come Messiah. Bo Yeshua.
©2020 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.
Shabbat shalom and boker tov.
I didn’t know about your Tentstakeministries until this morning. YES. You understand. Praise Yah!
May the blessings and protection of YHVH/Yeshua be upon you and your family.
Billy Dee, William Michelle DeLaChaumette
Todah Rabah! Blessings to you and your wife as well. These are interesting days to say the least and to be in prayer for one another is imperative. Shabbat Shalom!
Well said. Thank you. Blessings to you and your family.
Thank you. Shalom Alechim to you and your family as well. Let us always be in prayer for one another in these unique prophetic days.