Even though Yeshua did not speak Greek, I decided to study the GREEK translation of Matthew 5:17 to see if the ‘law’ was actually ‘abolished’ as many believe based on their English translations.
Matthew 5:17 “Don’t think that I have come to abolish the Torah or the Prophets. I have come not to abolish but to complete” (Complete Jewish Bible).
Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them” (New International Version).
Matthew 5:17 “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill” (New King James Version).
Above are three different English translations of the same verse where Yeshua states that he did not come to ‘abolish’ the Torah and the Prophets, but to ‘fulfill.’ This verse is often cited when anti-nomians –– the Greek word for anti-law and anti-Torah –– argue with those who believe Torah is still God’s ‘law’ today (John 14:15). The conundrum proliferated by anti-nomians is that ‘abolish’ and ‘fulfill’ have the same meaning.
Yeshua, the Rabbi
Yeshua was a Jewish Rabbi with disciples and taught them within a rabbinical understanding of ‘abolish’ and ‘fulfill.’ These words have very different meanings from what is translated into English. When a rabbi used ‘abolish’ in reference to Torah, it meant ‘to wrongly interpret’ a command, but to ‘fulfill’ the command meant ‘to rightly interpret’ it.
Yeshua is stating that he came to ‘rightly interpret’ the Torah because centuries of manmade traditions and rules had ‘abolished’ it. He never claimed that ‘fulfillment’ of Torah meant it would end or be abolished as understood in Christiandom. ‘Abolish’ and ‘fulfill’ cannot and do not mean the same thing in Hebrew, Greek or even English.
I used Joseph Thayer’s Greek-English lexicon to define the Greek words ‘abolish’ and ‘fulfill.’
The Greek word translated ‘abolish’ is kataluō. This word is found in Matthew 5:17, 26:61; Mark 14:58; Acts 6:14, and Romans 14:20. Kataluo is a verb meaning to dissolve, disunite what has been joined together, to destroy, demolish.
Kataluo can metaphorically mean to overthrow, render vain, deprive of success, bring to naught. It alludes to subverting or overthrowing institutions, forms of government, laws in the sense of annulling, abrogating, and discarding.
“There they set up false witnesses who said, “This man never stops speaking against this holy place and against the Torah; for we have heard him say that Yeshua from Natzeret will destroy [kataluo] this place and will change the customs Moshe handed down to us” (Acts 6:14).
The witnesses in Acts chapter 6 are false witnesses who accuse Sha’ul of teaching against Torah. From this one verse, anyone who teaches that Yeshua abolished God’s commands or that Sha’ul taught against obeying Torah would be considered a false witness.
The Greek word translated ‘fulfill’ is plēroō. This word is found in Matthew 5:17, 3:15, Philippians 2:2, Colossians 1:25, Colossians 4:17, and 2 Thessalonians 1:11. Pleroo is a verb meaning to make full, to fill up, to fill to the fullest. It means to cause to abound, to furnish or supply liberally like I am liberally supplied or I abound.
Another nuance to pleroo is to consummate as in ‘complete’ or ‘perfect’ and is a ‘shadow’ of Messiah and his Bride. At the final Passover in the Kingdom, the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, there will be a consummation or completion of a marriage.
A third nuance of pleroo means to ‘render full’ as in to fill to the top so that nothing shall be wanting, fill to the brim. It is making complete every particular instance, to render perfect, to carry through to the end, accomplish, bring to realization, and to ratify.
The spiritual meaning of ‘fulfill’ is to cause God’s will, as made know in Torah, to be obeyed as it should be thus bringing to ‘fulfillment’ God’s promises given through the prophets.
“And tell Archippus, “See that you complete [pleroo] the task you were given in the Lord” (Colossians 4:17 ).
The Greek word translated ‘fulfilled’ is ginomai. This word is found in Matthew 5:18, 24:34, and Luke 21:32. Ginomai is another verb, different from pleroo, that means to become, come into existence, come to pass, to happen regarding events. It can also mean to arise, appear in history, come upon the stage as of men appearing in public. While a third meaning is to have happened, finished as of miracles performed. Within the meaning of ginomai, Yeshua appeared, came into existence in history publicly and finished the work he was given task to do.
Putting together the Greek definitions from Thayer’s Greek-English lexicon, Matthew 5:17 would translate into English like this:
“I did not come to (kataluo) overthrow, render vain, subvert or annul the Torah and God’s laws and form of government, but to cause it to (pleroo) abound, consummate, be perfect, and to cause God’s will to be obeyed as it should be; and as I [Yeshua] complete my task, (ginomai) this will all come to pass, happen, be performed and begin to be received.”
Even using the Greek definitions of the words ‘abolish’ and ‘fulfill,’ it becomes clear that Yeshua was not removing the ‘law’ or his Father’s Torah from the life of the believer –– Jew or gentile, but interpreting it correctly so that it could be obeyed. His task was to ‘bring into existence’ the the prophesied new covenant (Jeremiah 31:31).
The Hebrew word translated ‘law’ in Jeremiah 31:31-34 and Hebrews 8:10 is the word Torah. The ‘law’ that is written into the minds and hearts by God’s Spirit as part of the new covenant is the Torah.
Yeshua was a Jewish Rabbi. He taught like a rabbi and lived his life fully as a Jewish man. During his last Passover, he instituted the new covenant (Luke 22:20). The promises of the new covenant would finally begin to be ‘fulfilled’ (ginomai) through Yeshua. The Torah would become written on the hearts of God’s people. It would not be ‘annuled’ (kataluo), but rather brought to its completion –– it would be obeyed as intended by God (pleroo) and the miracle of the circumcised heart would come to pass (ginomi).
Yeshua meant what he said in Hebrew, Greek or English. He did not come to get rid of the Torah and the prophets, but to bring ‘fullness’ to them. He demonstrated to his disciples how to live out Torah as it was intended, and do not ‘abolish’ Torah as false witnesses and un-taught teachers claimed and still claim. Until heaven and earth pass away, every jot and tittle of Torah remains for those who desire to obey and fear God.
©2014 Tentstake Ministries Publishing, all rights reserved. No copying or reproducing of this article without crediting the author or Tentstake Ministries Publishing.
Whoever wrote this article is blessed with understanding and is truly seeking the truth to find the correct meanings of scripture, I also do these and think that truth of the Word will set you free from the traditions of men .
I started my journey many years ago and wanted to do it the way they did in Yehoshua Messiah’s time as He told us to DO, they met in homes! (Every place you see the word “church “, the original word used was “Ekklesia “ it was replaced by the word church. In the original scripture of Matthew 16:18 , Yehoshua said upon this Little Rock I will build my Ekklesia! (Called out / ones) , the disciples knew exactly what He was talking about. You see 400 years before Yehoshua, the Roman Empire set out 2 people and they knew all the laws and were sent all over to enforce and tell of new ones, and they had all the power of the Roman emperor. So in essence Yehoshua Messiah had His ruling council (12 disciples) and they represented The Government of The Kingdom of YHWH here on earth as Savior taught them to do! They the 12 could relate to this , that’s why they went out in twos , Plus if you only have one witness of the truth you need to witnesses for the truth and witness is a lawful word which means evidence so therefore He sent them out in twos.
Also back then according to the law of our Father in heaven you had to have two witnesses to accuse somebody . One witness wouldn’t hold up in the government of our heavenly Father. This is why they witnessed together for the evidence of the kingdom of light here on earth .
Sorry for getting long winded, I have a small home Ekklesia and I tell people to research the words in scripture, and also provide hand outs, along with world history from mostly all the time periods and what was happening surrounding the Biblical history of scripture. It takes work , but seeking truth is rewarding.
Thank you for listening and for educating the masses on the truth,
May YHWH bless you and May His face shine upon you and May His peace be upon you always.
My name is Rico and if you every just want to share notes, or talk or attend our Sabbath Day Ekklesia, just email me so I can send you the Zoom information.
Your brother in Yehoshua Messiah.
Thank you for your encouragement in ‘educating’ the masses. I generally think I only plant seeds. You are correct in saying that the first-century gatherings weren’t ‘churches’ like we know them today. They were ‘ecclesia’ or ‘called out ones.’ Because of this understanding, we do not advocate going to ‘church,’ but being the ‘church’ and/or attending a synagogue in order to make the Jew envious for the Jewish Messiah. Keep on keepin’ on, sharing the Truth with those who desire to know. Always be ready to give an answer for the hope that lies within you and may His face shine upon you, be gracious, and give you true shalom.
Please send me info on how to attend Sabbath Day Ekklesia and time. I’m in Eastern Standard Time. You can just give me your time zone if you want and I can calculate time for me in mine. Thanks and may YHWH bless you as well.
I do not attend a Sabbath Day ekklesia, but you may enjoy watching Rabbi Greg Hershberg at Beth Messiah International in Macon, Georgia.
Excellent explanation. Can you please expound upon the various ways the author of Hebrews talks of doing away, obsoleting, abolishing the old?
The author of Hebrews is not speaking about Torah when he speaks of doing away with, making obsolete, or abolishing the old or he would be in direct conflict with Yeshua in Matthew 5:24. The writer to the Messianic Jewish congregation is discussing the present heavens and the earth which is in process of decay. It will eventually be ‘done away with’ and it’s current system of life will become ‘obsolete’ and ‘abolished’ when there is a new heaven and new earth. In the new heaven and new earth, there will also be a New Jerusalem that comes down out of the heavens and becomes the dwelling place of yod-hey-vav-hey with man. But, even then, Isaiah 66:22-23 states that Sabbath and the New Moon will still be celebrated in the new heaven and earth.
We must remember that there were many covenants given in the TeNaK, none of which made previous covenants obsolete. For example, the covenant that God made with Noach did not become obsolete or abolished when He made His covenant with Avraham nor was this covenant abolished when God made His covenant with David. The covenants build upon one another.
The new covenant is found in Jeremiah 31:31 and was for the people of Judah and Israel and involved the Torah written on their hearts through the Spirit (Ezekiel 36:24). This covenant did not abolish what most consider the ‘old covenant’ of Torah or ‘law,’ but brought it to fulfillment in the individual heart that is changed from stone to flesh.
The problem with believing that the Torah is done away with, abolished, or has become obsolete is that the people of God become lawless. We are told to be the light of the world, but when we abolish the very teachings and instructions of God, we become darkened. The world reflects our lawlessness because there is no longer any light. Psalm 119:105 “Your Word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” May it be so for all who claim to be followers of Yeshua.