Choreographed by Julie Almanrode
1-4 CW RF Step together Step, LF Step together Step (Skipping steps)
Arms swing right, left
5-8 4ct Box step (Repeat 1x)
Facing Center
1-4 RF Step pause into center, LF Step pause into center (the step begins on an off-beat with NO WORDS)
5-8 R-L-R-L out of circle
1-8 Balance R-L, (hands extend apart, waist high, palms up)
CW RF 3ct cross mayim L (hands cross at wrist and extend up & apart)
LF 3pt quick turn L (RH raised, draw small circle over head, LH on hip)
1-8 RF step together step, pivot facing CCW (other direction) LF step together step
1-4 Windmill on line to the right (arms up – either with fists or open palms)
4-12 4ct Box step
13-16 RF Step together Step, LF Step together Step (Skipping)
After the verses that end with the word ‘quickly’ go to Interlude
1-4 Half box step
5-8 R-L-R-L step backwards
9-12 RF Skipping Step with RH stretching out; LF Skipping Step with LF stretching out
13-16 R-L-R-L step backwards
17-20 R yeminite on line (arms follow like a blooming and fading flower)
21-24 L yeminite on line
25-28 Half box
29-32 R-L-R-L step backwards
Skipping Step, R-L Filler