According to Genesis 11, Adonai dispersed them around the earth. From the clues given in Deuteronomy 32:8, they were separated according to the ‘sons of God.’ Although the Hebrew Masoretic text says ‘sons of Israel’ or bene Yisra’el, there was no Israel at this time. The Septuagint and the Qumran Dead Sea Scroll’s text says ‘sons of God’ or bene elohim. This implies that Adonai divided the nations based on the number of his sons gathered in his divine council.
Author: Yahulia
That Little ‘Alef and Tav’
When people say that Yeshua (Jesus) is found throughout the Old Testament, they probably don’t visibly see him in the written Word, that little Alef and Tav –– את (et). While writing out several verses in Hebrew the other day, three contained the Alef and the Tav, the ‘sign’ of Yeshua. The Torah and Prophets revealing what Yeshua meant when when he said, “I AM the Alef and the Tav, the beginning and end” in Revelation 22:13.
The Man of Sin Revealed
The coming antichrist is known in Scripture as “The Lawless One” referring to the “Laws of God.” Beginning with Adam and Eve many have taken this fruit of lawlessness and eaten it themselves by questioning the very instructions of their Creator.
Why is there a disconnect from the Jewish faith?
Though there are many heresies that Marcion espoused, there are several that I will highlight because they are still embraced by Christianity and continue to divide the Body of Messiah. These divisions have created disunity of faith and ultimately arguing factions. Thousands of Christian denominations have evolved creating even more heresies. Polycarp called Marcion “the first born of Satan” and his reason for that statement will become obvious.