Sunday, the first day of the week, has Roman roots as it was named after the Sol Invictus and originally called the ‘Venerable Day of the Sun.’ The Roman catholic church authorized Sunday as the ‘new’ sabbath based on the decision by the Council of Laodicea. With this monumental change from the practices of the first-century church, the Sol Invictus was worshiped, not HaShem of the Hebrew Scriptures. Every denomination that observes Sunday is the Sabbath has embraced this catholic mandate; even more deceived int believing it is the weekly holy day to remember Jesus’ resurrection.
Tag: Sunday
Venerable Day of the Sun
This doctrine of Sunday was codified at the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE with its many other anti-semitic regulations further separating the Jewish Sabbath from the Christian Sunday. In 363 CE, the Council of Laodicea prohibited Christians from observing the Biblical Sabbath and encouraged them to work on Saturday and rest on Sunday. The fact that this edict was issued with prohibitions indicates that Sunday worship was still not totally accepted by followers Yeshua.
Is the LORD’s Day really Sunday?
Many Christians love to say “Happy Lord’s Day” on Sunday as a greeting of blessing to other believers. However, is the LORD’s Day really Sunday? Is celebrating the LORD’s Day a blessing?
The Biblical Sabbath – Shabbat
When Adonai created the Sabbath, He never said, “There was evening and morning, the seventh day.” He created the Sabbath for eternal fellowship with his glorious creation. Adam and Eve, along with all of their children, were to live in the Garden forever, but sin ended the eternal day. In order for mankind to “remember” God’s promise of restoration, He commanded mankind to “remember” the Sabbath as a vision of Eternity to come.