Mercy, as the tender ‘feeling gift’, shows up in loveable, cuddly children. As babies, they smile easily and seem to have a soft, quiet disposition. They have a tendency toward shyness, with a certain clinging tendency toward their parents in early childhood. Loud noises and harsh word easily bring them to tears.
Tag: spiritual gifts for children
Giver Gift for Children
These children are prepared for their ministry by the gift of an open, friendly, receptive disposition. Sharing is easy for them. They seem to have a natural capacity to think in the pronoun ‘we’ rather than ‘I’. It is easy for them to express love and show affection. They find joy in making others happy. They can give verbal appreciation and possess a freedom orally.
Ruler Gift for Children
The ruling gift shows up in children in the zeal and enthusiasm of their personality. They are outstanding in their wide interests, excessive activity, and somewhat ‘forward’ personality. They tend to be joiners, will volunteer for most anything and run for various school offices.
Exhorter Gift for Children
Children with the gift of exhortation are prepared for a special kind of relationship with people. Their task is to bring about encouragement in life and provide positive personal progress. This means their interests are ‘person centered’ and they develop what might be called a speaking gift.