With the events surrounding the woman with the issue of bleeding and the little girl rising to Messiah’s tzizit, the Jewish people were seeing the beginning of the redemption of Israel. They were being shown great signs from from the Messiah that their time of cleansing blood-covered hands and evils deeds was nearing (Isaiah 1:15-16, Isaiah 59:3).
Tag: resurrection
Sign of Jonah: Three Days and Three Nights
Many people raise questions about the three days and three nights of Yeshua’s death, burial and resurrection. Let’s face it, Friday night to Sunday morning is not three days and three nights no matter how one interprets the rendering of days, hours, times, kingships or even religious tradition. Yet, Yeshua’s prophesied that he would be in the grave three days and three nights –– no less, no more.
The Feast of Firstfruits – Yom HaBikkurim
While the priests were preparing for the Feast of Firstfruits offering in the Temple, the women found the empty tomb, met with angels, and spoke with the risen Yeshua. While the women ran to tell the disciples that Yeshua was alive, the men of Israel began to offer their lambs, grain and wine to the priest who acted as intercessor. As individual sheaves of grain were taken by the priests, Yeshua ascended to his Father and presented himself as the sheaf offering, the intercessor between mankind and Adonai. As the sheaf of grain was being waved, a gentle breeze like the Spirit of God drifted throughout the Temple …