Ha’zainu means to ‘hear’ and is directed to a corporate body. The Song of Moshe recounts Isra’el’s sins and the consequences; he includes hope for the future redemption. Moshe calls on heaven and earth, the witnesses of Adonai, to hear his words and ask they be like rain and dew –– living water that brings forth life.
Tag: Philadelphia
Pillar – Hebrew: Netzab
Pillars are used as imagery to describe the earth’s foundation. When it quakes, Elohim holds the pillars firm for all the people on the earth (Psalm 75:4). The first reference to a pillar is in Genesis 35:14 when Ya’akov (Jacob) sets up a standing stone or pillar at Beit-el. While the Israelites wandered through the wilderness, the glory of Adonai led them by a pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night. His pillar shaded them from the heat of the day and kept them warm at night. His pillar protected them from their enemies and moved with them for 40 years. His pillar lived above the Ark of the Covenant in the Tabernacle; His pillar was their sukkah of covering for 40 years.
Revelation Chapter 14 – The New Song and The Harvest
Standing on Mount Tziyon were 144,000 men: 12,000 from each of the 12 Tribes of Isra’el. They have the Lamb’s name and his Father’s name written on their foreheads. The promise given to those in the congregation of Philadelphia who persevered and won the victory are given the name of Yeshua and Ehyeh Asher Ehyeh. They never disowned the name of Yeshua even when attacked by false Jews. These overcomers will be kept from the time of trial that will test the earth. They have been ‘sealed’ by Adonai.
Revelation: The Seven Messianic Communities
By the time Yeshua gave John this revelation, non-Jewish believers had joined the Jewish believers in the commonwealth of Isra’el. These congregations lived a Biblically Jewish lifestyle that built upon the four requirements for leaving pagan religious systems outlined at the Council of Jerusalem and included learning Torah (Acts 15:19-21). The messages from the Messiah 2000 years ago still have much to say to the Messianic communities that exist around the world today.