Yeshua in His Father’s Feasts is a personal or group in-depth study that reveals the shadows and realities of the Messiah in the prophetic visions in the Feasts of the LORD. It will fill in the holes of your Bible when reading the words ‘Jewish feast’ or ‘the feast of the Jews.’ This study will illuminate often-overlooked phrases and idioms that allude to the ‘appointed times’ of God.
Tag: Passover
Do We Choose?
The ‘realm of choice’ is different from the ‘realm of no choice.’ In the heavenly realm, angels are not given the choice to obey Adonai or not. They were created to be obedient servants of El Elyon –– the Most High God. However, when they entered the ‘realm of choice,’ they made choices. One group of angels left their ‘realm’ and made the choice to procreate with human women (Genesis 6:1-2). Their choice caused some angels to be bound in chains forever; the half-breeds had to be destroyed by the Hand of Elohim’s armies (Jude 6). The guardian cherub of Gan Eden entered the ‘realm of choice,’ took the form of a serpent. He chose to ‘fall’ from the heavenly realm, sin, and lose his guardian position. He deceived Chavah and she made a choice between life and death.
Parashah 36: B’ha’alotkha (When you set up)
Numbers 8:1-12:16 “Adonai said to Moshe, ‘Tell Aharon, When you set up the lamps, the seven lamps are to cast their light forward, in front of the menorah’” (Numbers 8:1-2). The Branch The seven lamps of the Menorah were to cast their light forward. Where the Menorah sat in the Holy Place, the light would…
Parashah 15: Bo (Go)
This parashah is entitled Bo. In Hebrew, bo has two meanings: ‘Go’ and ‘Come.’ As Adonai continues to judge Egypt, He is bringing Pharaoh to the point where he tells the Hebrews to ‘Go’ while also preparing the Israelites to ‘Come’ to Him. This parashah describes the last three judgments on Egypt and ends with Passover.