Korach, from the Tribe of Levi and a cousin of Moshe and Aaron, decided that being part of the Levitical priesthood and ministering in the Mishkan was not enough of an honor. He wanted to be a high priest like Aaron. He wanted a democracy where the majority rules rather than a theocracy governed by those Elohim chooses. So he gathered a group of men, leaders of the community, and in their sin of arrogance and pride, they rebelled against Moshe.
Tag: yeshua
Parashah 37: Shlach l’kah (Send on your behalf)
‘Men of great stature’ in the Hebrew text is Nephilim. These ‘men of great stature,’ the Anakim, descended from Anak who descended from Arba (Joshua 5:13). Arba founded a city named Kiriath Arba, south of Canaan near Edom and Moab. In Genesis 9:25, Canaan was cursed by Noach because his father had exposed Noach’s nakedness as he slept off a drunken state. Some believe that Ham’s wife, and therefore Canaan, carried the Nephilim gene which is how they (the descendants of Canaan) were on the earth ‘after the flood.’
Parashah 33: B’chukkotai (In my regulations)
Sunday, the first day of the week, has Roman roots as it was named after the Sol Invictus and originally called the ‘Venerable Day of the Sun.’ The Roman catholic church authorized Sunday as the ‘new’ sabbath based on the decision by the Council of Laodicea. With this monumental change from the practices of the first-century church, the Sol Invictus was worshiped, not HaShem of the Hebrew Scriptures. Every denomination that observes Sunday is the Sabbath has embraced this catholic mandate; even more deceived int believing it is the weekly holy day to remember Jesus’ resurrection.
Parashah 32: B’Har (On mount)
According to this verse, the land belongs to Adonai. The Hebrew word for ‘land’ is eretz, the same word used in Genesis for when Elohim created the heavens and the eretz. Adonai not only owns the Eretz Y’isra’el (Land of Isra’el), He owns the whole earth. As the Creator, He owns everything in the heavens and on earth.