All night it was as if the Lord spoke to me saying, “Trust me!” I do trust Him; I just don’t trust ME ‘hearing’ Him clearly! We woke to clear skies and great hopes for a safe passage. said the pass was good and clear and so we headed out of Valdez. The L-shaped poles on either side of the road mark the edges for snow plows – yes, the snow gets that high. Near the top of the pass, we saw hundreds and hundreds of ptarmigan.
Tag: RV Life
To put it simply, the ‘fireplace’ puts out warmth, but with a nighttime low of 20, we were going to freeze without the furnace coming on and we only set it to 50 degrees! It is necessary to keep the water and other pipes of the trailer from freezing. Our bed is cozy, but as my brother says, “We are heating a tin can!” My husband did some serious trouble-shooting – the manuals only tell you how to install the furnace, not troubleshoot. Eventually, he saw this green button called the ‘wizard mode’ and he reset it. YAY! We had a furnace, but the electrical smell continued to permeate everything throughout the night. Wizard mode … what the heck is that?!
We made it back to ‘Merica’! Our ‘rule of thumb’ is to travel only 6 hours per day, however, today was 14 hours! We left Teslin with the idea of stopping somewhere near the border at Beaver Creek, but our plan wasn’t God’s plan.
The Yukon
Sunrise 5:53 a.m., Sunset 9:44 p.m. Crossing the border from British Columbia into the Yukon takes forever as it winds back and forth until crossing the Morley River. Our first stop in the Yukon was for fuel at Contact Creek. This is a small hut-like building that has been around for many years. The owners…