In Hebrew, each letter has a word picture based on its shape. After learning the word pictures through the book Hebrew Word Pictures by Frank T. Seekins, I replaced the ‘roman numerals’ of the 10 Commandments with the numerical word pictures. In this way, I saw the commands in a new and unique way. This is how I taught my children the 10 Commandments after teaching them the Hebrew alphabet. Remembering a concept with a letter was easier than remembering the order and phrases of the commands.
Category: Attitude of the Heart
Studying Scriptures and learning valuable truth
The Gates and Walls of Nehemiah
It is important to note that the boundaries of city of Jerusalem in the days of Nehemiah were very different, and much smaller, from modern times. Some gates had different names; other gates didn’t exist or exist now. The layout of the city went south into the City of David or Mount Zion rather than west towards what is known today as the Old City. Excavations of the Broad Wall are found near the center of the Jewish Quarter near the Hurva Synagogue.
Spiritual Warfare Scriptures
When we belong to Yeshua, the enemy never has the final word over our lives. We are secure in God’s hands, and His plan is always to reveal His glory through us. Never allow the enemy or the ‘world’ to define who you are especially when the ‘world’ can’t ackno
The ‘Law’ of Sin and Death
One of the biggest misconceptions within the tenets of Christianity is that the old testament ‘law’ has been done away with and followers of Christ are no longer ‘under the law.’ Though I cannot be certain from where this doctrine originated, I’m going to guess it evolved from choosing only half of this verse in Romans as a doctrinal view.