When my children were young, I wanted to find a way to celebrate the Feast of Firstfruits, the Resurrection of Jesus (Yeshua) that did not include hidden eggs and chocolate rabbits. I prayed for wisdom and a creative way to express what actually happened on that first day of the week when the women went to the tomb and found it empty.
Author: Yahulia
The Woman’s Covering of Authority
Head coverings or veils are a Jewish tradition; however, Paul praises the Corinthians for “holding to the traditions” just as he taught them. Even Yeshua taught that all traditions weren’t bad; only the ones that nullified a commandment of God (Mark 7:7). Being immersed in the Jewish culture, Paul would have understood the head covering, veil, from a Jewish perspective, especially within the context of betrothal and marriage. However, Paul’s discourse about this tradition reveals deeper spiritual implications.
Davidic Dance Steps
Davidic comes from King David who danced before the Lord; and the dancing around his Tabernacle. Levitical refers to the dancing of the priests in Israel as part of Temple worship, and they danced before the Ark of the Covenant before going into battles. During Sabbath services at the Western Wall in Jerusalem everyone dances: men, women, soldiers, and thos
Davidic Dance Study
6. Acts 6:5: As the Messianic congregation added more gentiles to the Jewish community, there were complaints that gentile widows were not receiving their daily needs. The apostles suggested choosing seven men to help with the work. They chose a man named Prochorus to be a deacon. In Greek, this man’s name means ‘leader of the dance.’