The Complete Jewish Bible translates ‘baptism’ as ‘instructions about washings’ or a mikveh. A mikveh is an immersion for purification and done numerous times throughout a person’s life for various reasons. During the month of Elul (August/September) there was an immersion for the repentance of sins before the arrival of the Days of Awe and the Day of Atonement. This repentance immersion was nothing new. When John preached repentance from sins at the Jordan River, the men and women of Israel were taking part in the repentance immersion during the month of Elul. It was at this same time that Yeshua was immersed and the Spirit of Adonai came down and rested on him like a dove (Luke 3:20-22).
Author: Yahulia
Golden Calf of Saturnalia
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Challah Bread Recipe
Every Friday evening, two loaves of braided bread are placed on our Sabbath table and covered with a special cloth. This tradition came from the double portion of manna that was covered with dew and gathered for the Sabbath (Exodus 16). Ingredients: 200 ml water, 2 eggs, 2 TBsp honey, 2 TBsp butter, 2 cups…
What is the Fullness of Salvation?
The first time I heard the terms justification, sanctification and glorification used together to describe the fullness of salvation, I knew a foundation stone in my faith walk had been missing. After listening to years of teachers focusing on ‘being saved’ or becoming a ‘born again Christian,’ I always wondered, “then what?” When I asked pastors this question, I received the same answer …