The English name ‘Jesus’ comes from a Latin transliteration of a Greek rendering of the Savior’s name; however, ‘Jesus’ was not Greek, Latin or English, he was an Israelite. The angel refers to Joseph as a ‘son of David’, thus Jesus’ human lineage as found in Matthew and Luke was from the Tribe of Judah making him Jewish. When Joseph took his infant son to be circumcised and named, he did not name him ‘Jesus.’ When his parents wanted him for dinner, they did not call him ‘Jesus.’ His brothers and sisters did not call him ‘Jesus.’ His friends and relatives in the Galilee did not call him ‘Jesus.’ His disciples and the Jewish leaders of the day did not call him ‘Jesus.’ They called him Yeshua.
Author: Yahulia
Divine Character Names of God
nourishing, satisfying and supplying His people with all of their needs. This is God’s first revelation of character to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob as to who He is: The Sustainer. The Hebrew etymology for shaddai includes a destroyer, a mountain, and a bosom friend.
The Memorial Name of God
For centuries the ‘Yod Hey Vav Hey’ has been considered too holy to speak, consequently, the actual pronunciation of God’s memorial name has been lost. It was replaced in Jewish tradition with HaShem meaning ‘The Name’ or Adonai meaning ‘Lord.’ In more Orthodox communities, the words ‘God’ and ‘Lord’ have their vowels removed and become G-d and L-rd to show respect for God’s name. Because of these historical and cultural anomalies, the Preface in most Bibles says that the divine name for God or Tetragrammaton has been changed from the יהוה to LORD with all capitals letters.
Halloween – All Hallow’s Eve
Unfortunately, the world has contaminated the minds and hearts of many believers accordingly. Rather than being transformed by the renewing of their minds, they play with the fruitless deeds of darkness rather than expose it for what it is. We should be praising God for calling us out of darkness into His glorious light not paying tribute to the darkness (1 Peter 2:9, 2 Corinthians 6:17-7:1).